break out


In Breakuot, a layer of bricks lines the top third of the screen and the goal is to destroy them all.

A ball moves straight around the screen, bouncing off the top and two sides of the screen.

when a brick is hit, the ball bounces back and the brick is destroyed. The player loses a turn when the ball touches the bottom of the screen; to prevent this from happening, the player has a horizontally movable paddle to bounce the ball upward, keeping it in play.

Your mission is to destroy all the blocks using the ball The ball will bounce back to you. you need to reflect it back again by moving the paddle.

Game Rules

A small paddle is controlled by the player and can only move within the bounds of the screen; either left or right.

The ball travels across the screen and each collision results in the ball changing its direction based on where it hit; this applies to the screen bounds, the bricks and the paddle.

The direction of the ball can be manipulated by how far the ball bounces from the paddles center.

If the ball reaches the bottom edge of the screen, the player is either game over or loses a life.

As soon as a brick touches the ball, it is destroyed.

The player wins as soon as all bricks are destroyed.